Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway. Psalms 119:105

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I have had a full weekend with a one year Memorial at the cemetery to view Don's newly installed headstone and to remember the person of integrity that he was. It was very well supported. Then we returned to my house to have a Baty family reunion. Almost the whole family was there, even ones who had other plans later and I certainly appreciated the love show to me. Many friends also were there.

I have decided to end this blog. It has served it purpose: To get us (me and you) through one of the most difficult times in our lives. This is some of what I learned in the past year:

Each one of us has to make it our business to be happy. When we are happy, we wish life would never end, for us or for our loved ones, even strangers. Happiness is not optional. Jehovah God commands us to be happy at Deuteronomy 16:13-15.

I have thought about it. What is happiness? It is the outward manifestation of the internal condition of joy that comes from a good heart and is connected with contentment. It comes from peace of mind and joy of heart.

The Bible says that those people whose God is Jehovah should be happy. This is a statement that I and my Sweetie believed with all our hearts. In fact, happiness is a gift from God, a fruit of His spirit. He is the happy God and he sincerely wants us to be happy NOW, not in some distant future. Every day I ask myself if I am happy. I know that I will be if I have my life under control. I know I must continue to have self discipline and self control. I now realize that I have to control fleshly desires instead of trying to satisfying them all. I know how to be happy at home by myself or with friends and family. I have come a long way.

Happiness isn't in THINGS. - a car, a home, a mate or so on. It is inside of us. If our happiness is dependent on things or conditions, whom we are with, then an accident or tragedy, like my Sweetie's death, can rob us of happiness.

I know I must protect my happiness with all my might. I never want to lose my joy of living. I am determined not to allow other people to hold the key to my happiness as if I was plugged into them, I refuse to be robbed of my happiness by gossip or by what others say or do, I will try hard not to let them affect me overmuch. I have learned that once unhappiness enters into your life, it is very hard to get it out.

Another lesson that I have learned and would like to express is that I MUST love what Jehovah God loves. I know I live in an imperfect world and so that calls for many adjustments. I, as well as everyone else, am imperfect. One thing that is consistent about life is that there are always changes. Disappointments could discourage me. I have learned that happiness is up to me. It is dependent on what I do with my mind and heart. I am determined to adjust my thinking as I continue to age. I know that nobody can do this for me but I also know that Jehovah will help me. Happiness is not dependent on where we are or with whom we are. It is not just knowing, it is in the doing! Happiness isn't so much doing what we like, but liking what we do. It is not being where we like but liking where you are. It is having what you like, but liking what you have. I am determined to enjoy what I have and who I am. That is being Christlike.

I am confident that a joyful heart and a mind at peace with Jehovah and the peace from Him that excels all thought, is what has made me truly happy still.

Nowhere does the Bible say that happiness depends on a good job because physical things can not bring lasting joy and happiness. This can only come from within. I know that true happiness is linked with the thoughts of God. That is why I try to read His word daily and meditate on it and work on applying His lessons in my life.

Also, I have learned that secret faults of pride or selfishness can eat away happiness. I pray for Jehovah's correction.

Some people tryy only find counterfeit happiness. Like counterfeit money, it robs them of contentment.

For any who have not found happiness, you need to prepare yourself for happiness with a good personal Bible study program. You need to be close to people who likewise are concerned about spiritual things.

Lastly, I am cultivating endurance. I have years before Don and I can be together again on the Paradise earth. That was our hope. I know that it is not everyone's hope but it was ours. I have found that nothing triumphs over sadness as much as day at a Jesus stated. We don't serve Jehovah because we want him to make us happy, but because we truly love Him and our neighbor.

I have made it my business to be happy. I am succeeding!!!!!

I send my love to all my family and friends. Any messages/comments, please send them to Barbara Baty

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