I recently wrote on my blog about falling in love to the sweet sound of Al Hibbler singing "Unchained Melody.' " I walking into the Kingdom Hall Tuesday night for a special program and Zach Pfropper came up and gave me a copy that he had taken upon himself to find and download for me. He had read about my desire on Don's Blog. He even decorated it with Al Hibbler's name and the year it was recorded. It really touched my heart to have a young man Zach's age who is so sensitive to my feelings.
The special talk tonight was about displaying the quality of goodness. Goodness differs from righteousness because you can be a righteous person in that you do the right things, but a good person goes beyond that. A good person expresses his goodness in acts. Zach,you are a good person. I am so pleased and blessed to have you in my life.
Just before I sat down at the meeting, a second CD was handed to me by my old friend,Carol. I did not get a chance to look at it but she told me something to the effect that it was what I was looking for. You guessed it. Carol had also downloaded "Unchained Melody" by Al Hibbler for me too. I am so blessed to have such "good" friends. Goodness expressed by kind, loving deeds. I do not take them for granted. It made me more aware of how important those special deeds mean.
I just passed the fourth month anniversary of Don's death. I must be healing somewhat because I did not dwell on the date as much as the three previous months. Thank you for your love in my behalf.
Luv U Barb